North Idaho College’s Gay Straight Alliance looked to raise money for Bikers Against Child Abuse and thought that Aquusha DeLusty and Tobe Daniels RoReal were the perfect candidates to guide each individual to accomplish the look they desired.
Around 15 people gathered to get the low down on how to perform as drag queens and kings. Mentor and teacher DeLusty with the help of RoReal discussed the importance of all the elements that go into becoming a member of the opposite sex.
DeLusty said she got started in high school when a friend of hers said she should try go-go dancing. She said really liked it and started doing drag shows shortly after. She feels that drag shows inspire people to be unafraid to express themselves and be who they want to be, even if it means dressing up as someone of the opposite sex.
Men who choose to dress as a woman are called Drag Queens. Queens wear tape and makeup in order to present themselves as a woman. Queens will spend as much as $700 on artificial breasts and can have as many as 14 different brush selections in order to make their idea of a woman come to life. Jesus Nunez, a first time drag queen, said that he wants to dress as a drag queen just for fun.
“I think being a woman for a short amount of time would be interesting, although I am sort of afraid I would mess up the makeup,” said Nunez, who plans on wearing a ball gown for the Drag Show.
DeLusty led the queens through a makeup tutorial following the same concept as a theater actor would: primer, foundation, lipstick, wigs, eyeliner, mascara, and the like come together to create a visual illusion.
While drag queens are well known, that is only half the fun of a drag show.
Women who choose to dress as males are called Drag Kings. Kings also wear tape and makeup but at an extreme that leads in the opposite direction. Using makeup to create shadows or scruff to create fake hair, a girl can make the
illusion that she is a male.
Brianna Tollackson is a first time drag king and is transgender, going by the name of Elliet Sterling. Tollackson prefers to be referred to as “ze.” Brianna was encouraged to dress as a male for Halloween and found it to be more comfortable.
“I am able to express myself better,” ze said. “I feel more comfortable as a male; it’s more fun, social, a good ice breaker, and I think of others who do this make up a brotherhood, there’s no judgment backstage when I am through with my routine and I really enjoy an accepting environment.”
Ze said ze planned on performing in a Western outfit as well as a baggy t-shirt without shoes and is very excited to show what ze’s got. Tobe brought the Kings through a lesson of how to make themselves appear like males. He came to the tutorial dressed up and was able to show the women how to attain that look with just a few things such as foundation, pencil coloring, bodices and fake hair.
Both teachers of the tutorial stressed how long it must take to become a member of the opposite sex. “If it takes you less than an hour to get ready, you need to go back and find out what you missed,” emphasized DeLusty. “It shouldn’t take less than an hour, ever.”
DeLusty feels that putting on a drag show in a college environment is a good idea.
“I feel like most schools put on shows that are all about education. This is something that’s just suppose to be fun.” DeLusty said. “I also think the college level is a good age group since most places that hold drag shows are 21 and over. This way we can reach people 18 and up; it’s more diverse.”