Despite icy roads and shaky expectations, Student Event’s Club Sub Beach Party conquered the cold weather of Feb. 5 with sheer determination and body heat.
The Club Sub is an event intended to provide students with a place to party and meet new people, while providing free food, music and activities. While it was very successful in this regard, there was still some doubt at the beginning.
Nobody at Student Events could have foreseen the roughly 8-degree weather outside.
“It’s freezing out and I know a lot of my friends didn’t want to brave the icy roads,” said Student Events Organizer Dave McKerracher
The attendance was minimal during the first half hour of the event and the dance floor was simply comatose.
“At first [Student Events] were a little hesitant; I didn’t know if people were going to show up,” said Eric Wittenmyer, a Student Events Organizer. “But then they all did, and all at once!”
A throng of students poured into the lower SUB room and gave life to the party.
Students were twirling glow-sticks, riding inflatable beach trees, grinding, and failing miserably to moon walk to the fast-paced beats and low-lit laser show displayed by the
DJ’s. Accompanying these moves were some turns of the head at the end of the show, when the DJ decided to sign off with “The Hokey Pokey.”
The event also helped benefit some students in unexpected ways.
“[Club Sub] helped me get over being shy with a girl I have a crush on,” NIC student Jason Whidby said.
That night he danced with the girl of his interest.
“That was cool,” Whidley said.
This turn out was a reward for Wittenmyer, who personally spent a total of eight hours flaunting his Hawaiian shirt and beach comber’s hat around campus to advertise the event—even going so far as to appear at an Inter-Club Counsel meeting to announce the event in full costume.
“How else are you going to let people know, if not by yelling at them,” Wittenmyer asked.
But Wittenmyer wanted to personally note that he wasn’t the only one working hard, and stressed to spotlight fellow organizer Quinne Evans, whom he believes to be
“Fantastic! Just really, really great, and a hard worker!” Evans put all of the effort into arranging the DJ and MC.
At this Club Sub, the DJ table was manned by DJ 4Shurtz (Ryan Hilbert), MC’d by NIC alumnus MC Brentano (Tripp Rogers), and also featured a photo booth hosted by Haas Photo. And as with any student event, there also was a fantastic selection of pizza, drinks, and snacks.
Wittenmyer said, “I think having some time to do something besides dancing to spend more time hanging out with friends and enjoying a goofy environment is awesome.”