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NIC Music Groups Perform “Sounds of Christmas”


NIC Music Groups Perform “Sounds of Christmas”

NIC music groups spread a little holiday cheer this weekend with their premiere of “Sounds of Christmas” at North Idaho College.

The hour long show on Saturday included performances by various NIC choirs, the NIC Wind Symphony, and even Santa Clause himself.

NIC Vocal Cardinal Jazz. Thomas Hansen/The Sentinel

Vocal Cardinal Jazz. Thomas Hansen/The Sentinel

Choirs included the Cardinal Chorale, Chamber Singers, and Vocal Cardinal Jazz, directed by Max Mendez. Songs ranged from takes on traditional African carols, to Italian hymns, to the choral suite from “Frozen”. Bongos, flutes, and violins played in accompaniment, including violin solos from NIC Orchestra director, Gerard Mathes, and student Keegan Bernardin, both of whom were involved in the orchestra’s performance of “Music of Love and War” last week.

Santa directs "Sounds of Christmas". Thomas Hansen/The Sentinel

Santa directs “Sounds of Christmas”. Thomas Hansen/The Sentinel

The Wind Symphony took the audience by storm at the second half of the concert, when director Terry Jones invited Santa Clause to join him in directing a sing-along, ushering the whole audience to stand and sing Christmas classics in unison – with some help from lyrics posted on a projector on the wall –  along with choir members who stood in the aisles to guide audience members through the songs. Santa brought children to the stage to dance with him, and the orchestra closed with a booming performance of the “Hallelujah Chorus”.

“Sounds of Christmas” will show again on Sunday, December 7 at 2:00 PM in the Boswell Hall Schuler Performing Arts Center. The concert is free and open to the public.

Check back for more details on this developing story.




Taylor Nadauld is the Lead Reporter for the Sentinel. This is her third semester at NIC where she is pursuing an A.S. degree in Journalism.

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