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NIC offers the jackpot


NIC offers the jackpot

The sound of shuffling cards, rolling dice, and cheers of victory rang through the lower level of the SUB during Casino Night, which ASNIC hosted to welcome students to the new semester.

Complete with paper money and the chance to win prizes, casino night featured an assortment of games such as black jack, pool, and many dice games–some of which are no longer available in today’s major casinos.

“This is a fun ice breaker for the first week,” Quinne Evans, Student Events supervisor of the event said. “We haven’t done a casino night in a while.”

As people walked in they were given an envelope of paper money to gamble with or just use to buy raffle tickets for prizes. Participants could buy raffle tickets to enter for one or many of the prizes that were given away at the end of the night.

For each game students were given the rules on how to play and limits on how much or little could be bet per game. With each game there was opportunity to win more or lose it all.

“There was great entertainment and wonderful food,” student Matt Charland said.

Casino Night provided games, food, prizes and company for all to enjoy.

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I am a staff writer for the features section on the paper.

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