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Board of Trustees search for a Zone 5 trustee continues

Trustee Greg McKenzie looking over the 10 applicants./Ash/ The Sentinel.


Board of Trustees search for a Zone 5 trustee continues

NIC Board of Trustees adjourned Wednesday’s special meeting without electing a Zone 5 trustee. 

Zone 5 has been vacant since former Trustee Michael Barnes resigned, on concerns of his legal residency in South Dakota. The board has been operating as four trustees’ since January, amid difficulty in nominating one of the 10 applicants. 

During the interview process, each trustee asked the same question about Accreditation, The Northwest  Commission on Colleges and Universities and knowledge about the Trustee Handbook to all applicants. NIC will post the video of the interviews of all applicants on their channel in the next 48 hours. 

After the interviews, trustees had the opportunity to nominate candidates, and doing so, the board would vote on them. 

The applicants nominated were Geoff Newman, Ann Hardt, Pete Brochet, and Nina Beesley, who all received two votes. For a candidate to be nominated to a trustee, they will need a majority vote, three out of four.  

Trustee Greg McKenzie nominated Geoff Newman and Ann Hardt. Newman is a business manager for UPS, and Hardt worked 25 years as an educator.

Trustee Christie Woods asked Newman, “Can you tell me what is your understanding of the substance of the complaint filed with the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities and what are the implications of a letter of action?” 

Newman said that he has drawn a blank, and the implications are losing the accreditation with the college here. Newman was also asked if he has attended any of the board meetings, he has not. 

Trustee Ken Howard asked Hardt what are some difficulties that she’s observed with the board as an attendee. She said that the [board] has a hard time coming to a consensus.

Hardt also said that the Accreditation is an issue centered around concerns with the Board of Trustees and the accreditation board would like to see some of those issues resolved. 

“I would embrace and be honored by the opportunity to be a trustee on this board and help oversee its future success,” Hardt said.

Chairman Todd Banducci and Trustee Mckenzie voted in favor, Trustees Woods and Howard did not. 

Trustee Howard nominated Pete Brochet, who is the Director of Human Resources for Empire Airlines. Brochet was asked about his understanding of the recent letter that the NWCCU sent. 

“I haven’t really read it to be honest with you, I have reviewed the requirements for Accreditation so I am familiar with those,”  Brochet said. 

Trustee Woods did not nominate a candidate, as she would have nominated Brochet. 

Trustees Howard and Woods voted in favor of Brochet, Chairman Banducci and Trustee McKenzie voted no. 

Chairman Banducci nominated Nina Beesley who works on the Zone and Commission for Rathdrum. 

Beesely was asked what she perceived to be the problems that the Board is confronting.

“There is a code of ethics for board members, and one of the things it says is that when a decision is made there needs to be one voice. So if you agree or disagree with that decision you need to be supportive,” said Beesely.

Chairman Banducci and Trustee McKenzie voted in favor, while Trustees Woods and Howard voted against. 

Attorney Marc Lyons said that the process of electing a trustee will continue, the 10 applicants are welcome to stay, as the board may consider them in the future. 

Trustee Woods said she hopes that all the candidates stay in the selection process, and commends them all for stepping forward. 

The next board meeting is scheduled for Wednesday April 27, 2022.

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