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New club promotes a healthy lifestyle


New club promotes a healthy lifestyle

What is one health goal you want to achieve by the end of the semester? This is the first question asked when joining the new exercise science club on campus.

The club is designed to get students to recognize their health goals and to help achieve them.

“Everyone has goals, but they aren’t specific enough to get results on their own.” Said Dana Hemmingmoore, president of the club. “We narrow down their goals and we give them suggestions.”

Hemmingmoore has posted several different work outs for members of the club to use at their own pace and is there to help newcomers with questions they may have on how to do certain exercises.

“He knows a lot about your body,” said Jonathan Graham, a student who has been attending since the first week. “He helped me improve my form, improve my diet, and I’ve already put on some more muscle.”

The club meets Monday, Wednesday, and Friday every week from 6-8 p.m. in the Winton Hall weight room and welcomes students no matter what their fitness background is. Hemmingmoore hopes that the high attendance of the club will draw attention to the fact that the NIC campus needs new fitness facilities.

“A lot of people who want to start working out don’t have the money to go to a gym,” said Hemmingmoore. “On campus, students should have a place to work out when they need to and the rec hours don’t cut it.”

The club hopes to become official on October 7th at the first ICC meeting.

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