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Add the words bill rejected: local GSA clubs fight back


Add the words bill rejected: local GSA clubs fight back

by Rachel Anderson and Taylor Nadauld

After 21 hours of testimony over a three-day span, a bill promoting human rights for Idaho’s LGBT+ community was rejected in Boise on January 29th.

The bill, called “Add the Words,” would have inserted the words “sexual orientation” and “gender identity” into the Idaho Human Rights Bill, making it illegal for businesses to discriminate against people based on their sexual orientation or gender identity in terms of housing, employment and education.

Thursday marked the first time the “Add the Words” movement had been granted a hearing, where citizens are allowed to share testimonies and experiences to prompt further discussion and debate.

Of course, with over 8,000 people supporting the movement on Facebook, and even more on YouTube and outside of the social media realm, the rejection did not come without a fight.

LGBT+ supporters gathered at the Town Hall in Post Falls the weekend following the bill’s hearing where they stood silently with their hands over their mouths. According to the event’s page on Facebook, “[Protestors] will stand together silently and respectfully. We need to have our legislators see us and know that we are not going anywhere.”

PFLAG, the national organization formerly known as “Parents, Families, and Friends of Lesbians and Gays,” and the United States’ largest organization for LGBTQ+ members and their allies, has been offering community and support to parents, families, friends and allies of those who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer. Coeur d’Alene’s chapter of the organization recently teamed up with “Add the Words” and made strides to make an impact on the local community.

The chapter met for brunch at the CDA library the weekend prior to the bill’s hearing to discuss ways the LGBTQ+ community and their allies could fight back, encouraging members to go out into the community and find those who agree with their mission. Rather than trying to change people’s minds or argue with them, leaders of the group assured that their goals would be more achievable if LGBTQ+ members continue to search for supporters in their own hometowns.

For some members of the LGBTQ+ community, finding acceptance and a feeling of belonging is a difficult journey. So leaders and community members of PFLAG stressed the importance of getting involved in local GSA (Gender Sexuality Alliance or Gay Straight Alliance) clubs.

Lauren Merlino, president of North Idaho College’s GSA club, spoke at the meeting to encourage local LGBTQ+ students and their allies to get involved on campus.

“Everyone deserves the right to be a part of their community,” Merlino said. “The goal of GSA club is to provide a safe, inclusive and fun atmosphere for gender and sexually diverse individuals and their allies.”

Merlino also spoke on radio show, “OUTspoken Spokane,” to speak on the topic of job discrimination, specifically in the context of the “Add the Words” bill that would be debated in Boise in a few days.

Merlino said that the focus of the club’s time on the show was to encourage the Spokane community to get involved with politics in Idaho, but mostly to talk about why adding the words “sexual orientation” and “gender identity” should be included in the Human Rights Act.

Lauren Merlino speaks on "OUTspoken Spokane" on LGBT rights. Michael Gray/The Sentinel.

Lauren Merlino speaks on “OUTspoken Spokane” on LGBT rights. Michael Gray/The Sentinel.

“‘Add the Words’ is not about forcing people to be nice to the LGBT community,” Merlino said. “It’s about making it illegal for someone to discriminate against us and deny us services. We all deserve to be judged based on the merits of our work; not our identity.”

Lindsey Shaw, Vice President of GSA, identifies as straight and considers herself an ally to the LGBT community. She said that after giving a report about the community, she began to notice rampant bullying and suicide against and among LGBT individuals.

“I can’t imagine how my friends are feeling, because this is them,” Shaw said. “I’m a straight female and I don’t have to deal with this discrimination like they do.”

“Everybody’s human and that’s what makes me so sad is that people don’t treat [the LGBT community] equally, like me,” Shaw said. “I don’t want to be on a higher scale than the people that I love that are such great people, because in my eyes, they are equal to me.”

Opponents have expressed concern over how the bill would infringe upon religious rights. Many Republicans said they are willing to compromise, but argue that the current wording of the bill does not address the whole picture.

Chair of Add the Words, Cindy Gross, said that despite the fact that some members of the legislature are committed to showing more compassion, it’s not enough. The organization will continue to work until all Idahoans are protected.

“With these powerful stories, our legislators can no longer claim that there isn’t discrimination in Idaho,” Gross said in a press release.

It’s a painful message that our state is not willing to consider us the same level citizens as everyone else,” Merlino said. “I am not a second class citizen.”

The GSA club meets every Thursday at 12 p.m. in the Powderhorn Bay room at the lower level of the Student Union Building. Anyone interested is invited to join. For more information, email Lindsey Shaw at

“We are still active and strong,” Merlino said. “The ‘Add the Words’ movement is far from over. More than anything, we’ve gained publicity. If we’ve affected the hearts of our representatives, the next goal is to change their minds to vote ‘yes.'”



Taylor Nadauld is the Lead Reporter for the Sentinel. This is her third semester at NIC where she is pursuing an A.S. degree in Journalism.

1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. Keith Pullman

    February 10, 2015 at 5:03 am

    GSAs are very important, and I hope every GSA is or will be inclusive, accepting all whose gender identity, sexual orientation, relationship orientation, or existing relationship (or that of their parents) makes them a target for discrimination or bullying. Think polyamory, for example.

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