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Tibetan nun connects with students


Tibetan nun connects with students

An American nun in the Tibetan Buddhist tradition spoke to NIC students about being lonely despite being surrounded by people on September 29 at NIC’s SUB.
During the event, Loneliness in a time of Connectivity, Venerable Thubten Chodron shared her thoughts about day to day connections with others, the struggle of detaching from our devices, and her inner beliefs.
“Take a moment to just stop what you’re doing, put your feet flat on the floor, close your eyes, and focus on your breathing,” Chodron said to the crowd as a part of a technique she uses to calm the audience and reign in her focus.
The crowd sat in respective silence as Chodron spoke. She talked about society’s technological norm, pointing out specific observations she had noticed throughout each day.
“Everywhere you look, you see someone plugged in. Have you ever noticed that? We often feel disconnected, despite our connection with others. We have become addicted to a machine. Detach! “ Chodron said.
She spoke about detachment with others and how society has become so engrossed with the biggest, most important thing, people miss out on personal interaction with others.
“We forget how to be with ourselves and we don’t know how to be with other people in a meaningful way,” Chodron said. “I observe people connecting with other living beings. Quit multitasking!”
Empathizing the importance of spending time with loved ones, and with ourselves, Chodron ended her discussion.
Students and members of the crowd were inspired by Chodron.
“She was so revered,” Marissa Park, 20, said.”This is the first time I’ve ever been to a talk like this. It was really interesting.”
Chodron has practiced Buddhist teachings for the last 35 years. She has published a number of books and is the founder and abbess of Sravasti Abbey, a Buddhist ministry in Newport, WA.
The event was sponsored by NIC, Associated students of North Idaho College, Coeur d’Alene Dharma Friends, and the Sravasti Abbey.

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