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NIC instructor and group of local legends represent Idaho in inaugural celebration

Mikki Stevens and other Red Hot Mamas pose for a picture in the Hagadone Event Center where they performed and recorded their performance for the Parade Across America. Photo courtesy of The Red Hot Mama's Facebook page.


NIC instructor and group of local legends represent Idaho in inaugural celebration

Those tuned in to last week’s celebration marking the inauguration of President Joe Biden may have noticed a unique performance in the Parade Across America by a dance group founded by one of NIC’s very own faculty members.

Communications instructor Mikki Stevens is the originator and director of the local community service oriented musical and comedy group known as the Red Hot Mamas. The group was featured in the Heroes Next Door segment of the virtual parade, representing the state of Idaho with their zany spirits and a wacky dance number.

“We represented the many people in our beautiful state who are out there doing good things for others,” Stevens said. “We were just a small group of neighborhood women reminding viewers that there are many many more kind caring people in America than there are violence-prone groups.”

Stevens founded the group back in 1991, and for almost 30 years now these Mamas have been serving and spreading joy to the CDA community through charitable acts and lively performances. 

The group has provided food, clothing and other personal care items to needy people in the community, and regularly perform at assisted living facilities, veterans’ homes, children’s safe houses, and local and regional parades throughout the year.

The Red Hot Mamas consists of a number of local eccentric women, ranging from ages 30 to over 80, who according to the Red Hot Mamas official website are “Dedicated to the exploitation of merriment and enhancement of the ridiculous.”

“This is a safe place we can all ‘come out to play’. We hoot and holler too loud, play like little girls, and love on each other,” Stevens said.

CDAs Red Hot Mamas parading around the streets of New York City during the 2014 Macys Thanksgiving Day Parade. Photo courtesy of

The joyous spirit of the Red Hot Mamas spans wider than just their local community, though. In the past, the group has had the opportunity to perform in many nationally broadcast events, such as three Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parades and two previous presidential inaugurations. 

Over the years, the group has received all kinds of honorable praise, including the Veterans of Foreign Wars Americanism Award, a Medal of Merit from the Lord Mayor of Westminster in London, England, and even received a commendation from the President of the United States.

Participating in previous inauguration parades, the group had to go through a stringent application and auditioning process, but Stevens said that this time the group had the honor of being directly contacted by the Presidential Inaugural Committee and invited to participate in this year’s virtual Parade Across America. 

“Looking over the past week interacting with an amazing creative team of highly regarded professionals and at what my 10 Miracle Mamas accomplishment for this high profile national event was amazing,” Stevens said. “It felt good to know we hit our goal of encouraging people to Shine On!”

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