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Q&A with Jestine Lackner; ASNIC Vice President talks about her experiences and involvement at NIC


Q&A with Jestine Lackner; ASNIC Vice President talks about her experiences and involvement at NIC

Jestine Lackner first came to NIC during the fall semester of 2019. Since then, she has dedicated large portions of her time to the college itself. She is involved in ASNIC and five campus committees, works at DeArmond as a Student Ambassador and is the resident assistant for first-floor of the Residence Hall. 

We talked with Lackner about her time at NIC and the details of her various jobs, as well as her future goals. 

Q: Why did you pick NIC?

I originally chose to come to NIC to continue my soccer career. After my first semester here at NIC, I fell in love with the campus, the people and everything the Coeur d’Alene area has to offer. I joined the ASNIC student government and just couldn’t see myself anywhere else after that.

Q: What is your major and why are you pursuing it?

My major is business. I chose to go into business because a lot of the people I look up to are in this field. The lifestyle I see them live lines up similar to how I want to live. I personally want to go into human resources, so if that means I can talk to people more often than I would in another field that would make me really happy.

Q: What does your regular schedule look like?

I normally don’t wake up any later than 7:00 a.m., and when I wake up I usually have a meeting right away or class. I try to start my day off early whether that means going on a run or just doing work in my office. Then I typically have a class or more meetings and then work until around 4:00 p.m. I try to spend the rest of my day doing homework or something I like to de-stress myself.

Q: Why are you part of so many events on campus, including ASNIC? Why do you like it?

I started working for student government in high school. I knew that I wanted to be a part of NIC’s government so I decided to apply as soon as I came here. I love all the different committees, especially ASNIC, so much because I’m able to get involved with just about anything on campus and make a real impact. It’s really enjoyable to meet so many different people and be a part of things that may not seem so big at first, but make a big difference. It’s been an absolute blessing.

Lackner works on duty logs inside the resident assistant office. Some of Lackner’s resident assistant duties include working duty nights, creating programs for the residents and managing a safe environment for the hall.

Q: Can you describe what you do as an RA?

Being an RA has really given me a lot more responsibility than I have had before. It’s taking care of the residents that live in the dorms and a lot of that comes from your typical staying up on duty nights and putting on programs to keep the residents busy. It’s also about checking up on your residents and making sure that they’re doing okay in their classes and their social lives.

Q: Can you describe what you do for the Student Event Board?

I am the lead coordinator of the Student Events Board. I help put on events here on campus and help my team members work toward their goals of making those events successful. We try to put on at least one campus-wide event a month. Now with everything being virtual, we have to schedule event pickup times for anything they might need and find virtual events. That can be difficult. 

Q: Can you describe what you do in the senate?

This is a committee that I’ve been on for two years now. I have enjoyed being a part of the senate. I feel like it holds a lot of responsibility and you get to make big changes within the school or at least be a part of something like that. The senate goes through policies and procedures that come up within our college, and we get to pass those on to the next level or review them to make sure they’re ready. For me personally, as an ASNIC representative, I represent the student body, so if I think there’s anything conflicting with the student body, I’m there to be able to recognize that and address the concerns. 

Q: Can you describe what you do for Inter-Club Council?

I am actually running those meetings now as the vice president of the ASNIC. With the clubs, I’m in contact with them helping them with anything they need, navigating any online platforms that they may be using for their clubs, and essentially just making sure they’re following the club handbook. We have approved a couple of clubs already which is super exciting. I’ve enjoyed getting to know each and every individual member and advisor that we have in our clubs. It has been truly a blessing to be a part of something like this that students get to be a part of.

Q: Can you describe what you do for the Student Union Advisory Board?

I’m the vice-chair for that committee. The SUAB itself looks over anything that may involve the SUB. We look into things we might come across, if we need to change any of those, update anything written in there and also anything that has to do with how COVID has impacted the rules in certain parts of the building. We essentially get to say what goes in there and what doesn’t.

Q: Can you describe what you do for the Student Athletic Leadership Council?

This council is a newly-formed council this past year. We reached out to all the athletic teams and asked for representatives for each of those teams to come to the council and give their input on how to make our athletic programs here more successful, as well as how to reach out to new recruits. Although I’m not an athlete anymore, I represent ASNIC and the student body and give input from the perspective of our students.

Q: Can you describe what you do for the Alumni Association?

I recently joined this one. The group consists of alumni from NIC and I represent the student body and give input on how I think students are doing. I partake in their quarterly discussions.

Q: Can you describe what you do as a Student Ambassador?

As an ambassador, I give tours on campus to any prospective students planning on coming to NIC. I also send emails to prospective students and do phone call campaigns. I really enjoy this job. I’ve had it for about a year now and it’s been crazy adapting to COVID, but it’s definitely manageable despite the circumstances. 

Q: What are your hobbies?

They consist of really anything outdoors. I try to go on a run every single day, typically around Tubbs Hill if I have time. I love to explore any hiking areas around Coeur d’Alene. If I’m stuck in my room or want to relax, I typically write letters to friends and family that I haven’t seen in a while or I don’t get to see often. I try to make my own cards when I have a chance. I love making people happy through little acts of kindness like that. 

Lackner sprints through the Tubbs Hill trail. During her free time, Lackner runs the trail loop and spends time outside in the fresh air.

Q: How do you fit your hobbies into such a busy schedule?

I make time for them. If I don’t need to wake up so early, I go on a run before work or class. I try to end my workday a little bit earlier, at least before the sun goes down, so I have time to do something in the afternoon. It’s typically in the afternoon when I feel accomplished that I do my hobbies as a reward. 

Q: What are your future plans?

Lackner hugs one of the trees next to McLain Hall. “Being at NIC has given me the feeling that I have ended up where I was truly supposed to be,” Lackner said.

My top goal would be to get into the Air Force Academy. If I don’t get into the Air Force Academy, I’ll continue my education at Montana State University in business and maybe minor in human resources, and join the Air National Guard. Long term, I want to live in a big city and enjoy the energy there and work for a nonprofit organization.

Q: What are your recommendations for new students?

I guess it would just be to get involved and use your whole day to its full capacity. If you have several hours a day that you can be doing stuff, why waste it? Students don’t realize that while they might not be at NIC for too long, they can gain so much out of it. Students have the resources at NIC to do so much more than go to class and go home.

Jaye Hanselmann-Cox is an English and Communications student at NIC. She lives on-campus in the Residence Hall and loves interacting with her fellow students. In her free time, she writes sci-fi stories, draws digital cell-shaded art, and takes walks through the area.

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