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Hanging out in new campus hammocks

Campus Life

Hanging out in new campus hammocks

NIC’s Landscape Services team have installed outdoor hammocks at two locations on campus. The hammocks are available to all students to hang out, do homework, or rest.

Students can find them either on the field west of the Student Union, or on the lawn between the Hedlund and Sherman buildings

The $4,500 fixtures were planned and funded by our ASNIC Student Government. The project was conceived following their annual spring survey in 2022 which indicated an interest among the student body for outdoor seating.

Michael Habermann, ASNIC President, said he’s “super proud” after announcing the installation at the September Board of Trustees meeting. He credits former ASNIC Vice President Angel Beier for overseeing the project, which began in March of this year. 

ASNIC hopes to complete more installations to improve campus life. Senator Presley Steele is currently working on achieving a foundation grant for new filtered water fountains around campus. Steele, who oversees quality of student life, sees the hammock fixtures as “a valuable resource for recreation and leisure.”

“Campus is not just a place where people take classes and work.” Steele said, “It’s also a place to spend time with friends and relax after class.”

Students are encouraged to use the facilities before they’re removed during inclement winter weather.


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