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Employee earns Sterling Silver Award


Employee earns Sterling Silver Award

Campus cites many reasons Judy Boyce is deserving

An NIC employee has been honored with the October 2011 Sterling Silver Award.

“I’m very touched that my co-workers think enough of me to nominate me,” said Judy Boyce, Qualified Worker Retraining Program Coordinator. “It was a total surprise to me.” Boyce explained that she is retiring soon and thought that had something to do with all the excitement.

Tammy Iverson, student records technician and sterling silver committee member, said there were “quite a few” nominations for Boyce.

“There were so many nominations. So many thought highly of her,” Iverson said.

Boyce’s helpfulness, kindness, common sense and repeated successes were all cited as reasons that she deserved the award.

“Judy has been a fabulous team player, helping up front when needed, assisting with scholarship requests and much more,” said Marie Price, director of Workforce and Community Education. “Judy greatly deserves recognition for a job well done.”

Boyce began as an Administrative Assistant in July 2002. She  worked under several directors over the course of time and, when they each went their separate ways, she took over as Program Coordinator, a position she has held for four years.

She conducts interviews, provides career counseling, prepares resumes and helps with job leads for people at the poverty to low income financial level for this federally funded worker retraining program.

“Our goal is to help people get the occupational skills needed to get into the workforce,” she said. “People come from all levels of experience, from having no job to having a job that went away.”

Apprenticeship Coordinator Peggy Schnell lauded Boyce on her ability to frequently pitch in as needed with any program or project needing help.

Boyce said the most demanding part of her job is finding the time to do it all in this economy, whether money is spent on people or not, and helping as many as she can and doing it well on the limited funds available.

The Sterling Silver Award recognizes NIC staff and faculty who demonstrate exceptional performance and give more to the college community than is expected. The award is presented each month, with the Sterling Silver Committee making the final selection.

The winner of the Sterling Silver Award receives $100 in cash and a $40 gift certificate to the Outback Steakhouse, both presented by Numerica Credit Union; a recognition plaque provided by NIC and a campus parking space of choice for one month.

To encourage participation, everyone who submits a nomination is entered into a drawing for a $200 prize. All employees are eligible for the Sterling Silver Award, regardless of their time of service.

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