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NIC employee development funds empty


NIC employee development funds empty

Professional Improvement Plan runs out of money

NIC has exhausted its supply of Professional Improvement Plan (PIP) funding again, which means that eligible employees may not receive reimbursement for their participation in developmental enhancement programs.

Although the funding is not intended to supplant normal departmental professional development funds, staff members are encouraged to work with their supervisors to develop plans for professional growth that may enhance their job performance.

Professional growth and development includes earning academic credits, attending conferences, workshops and seminars, professional certification and non-credit classes. The plan includes funded as well as non-funded activities.

NIC allocates up to $12,000 per year for PIP, with $750 per eligible employee per two-year cycle, according to the policy manual.  The cycles begin July 1 and end June 30, two years later. During that time, the employees may use their funds in part or in whole.

Although any amount not used up to $6,000 may be added to the next budget year, according to Human Resources Specialist, Andrea Woempner, the funds are typically exhausted each year.

“Employees [this cycle] have submitted PIP requests that have exhausted the funds,” Woempner said.

Enacted in April 2001, the Board of Trustees initially approved the policy to formalize the college’s support for the professional growth and development of its staff. According to the manual, the intent of the PIP funds was to help staff perform their current work with more efficiency and effectiveness, encourage systematic planning of professional goals and promote lifelong learning.

Active participants develop their own PIP, which then must be approved by their supervisor and the vice president and then forwarded to the Office of Professional Development for verification of fund availability, according to the manual. It may be updated or modified throughout the two-year funding cycle.

To be eligible, one must be employed in a benefit-eligible, non-faculty position continuously for at least one year. The PIP plan handles both full and part-timers, with part-timers receiving a prorated amount. Staff members are encouraged to submit their completed forms by May 1.

The policy manual states “NIC is committed to professional growth and development of its staff. It ensures justice, dignity and opportunity for all.”

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