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Get to Know Your Student Government: Senator Ty Holgate


Get to Know Your Student Government: Senator Ty Holgate

Ty Holgate, 19, Coeur d’Alene, General Studies – ASNIC SenatorTy2

Favorite Color: Blue. It’s just kind of been my favorite color all my life, it was my high school color, and it’s been that color I’ve always gone to: a smooth, calm color.

Favorite Movie: “Billy Madison.” It’s just Adam Sandler, a dude who was on SNL and he wasn’t a big deal, and now he’s a multimillionaire and it’s his humble beginnings. I mean, he’s still a movie star. But also the movie itself started as a million dollar screw-off, and instead of running this big dollar company, he decides to become a teacher, and I thought that was cool. And the movie is funny. He did what he wanted to do instead of being a millionaire.

How NIC should look a year after leaving student government: I think it’d be nice for more people to know what ASNIC is and get involved with Student Event kinds of things, student government, all of those things. I feel like a lot of people don’t know about them. It’d be cool to have more people involved.

Inspiration to join student government: It was on my OARS Day of Welcome thing and they were sort of like; “Hey, are you thinking about being a senator?” And I was like, “Yeah. Sure, yeah I am, that sounds fun!”

Celebrity Crush: Oh! That’s a rough one, I’d have to go with ’03-’05 Brad Pitt. [Said in humor.]

Favorite bands/music: I’m basically an ’80s guy so I like Foreigner, Def Leppard, bands like that.

If A.I. could equal our free will and chose to take action against our society, would it be OK to press a button turning them off: Well, going off information I’ve had before, I wouldn’t be into a being—not even a being, a robot–doing that. Sort of like Skynet, stuff like that, it’s better to have human connections instead of a programmed being. I’d have to go with yes, press the button, you can’t really procreate and if they could they’d be taking over society—and why do we need to do that when we already have a functioning society?

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T.J. Gossard is The Sentinel student newspaper's Features assistant editor, and is also the president of NIC Film Club and NIC's Phi Theta Kappa Delta Kappa Chapter. Gossard intends to become a film director and is currently practicing skills of communication and multitasking by taking on club duties and pursuing an A.A. in Communications at North Idaho College.

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