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NIC student sheds more light on Bekken scandal


NIC student sheds more light on Bekken scandal

Most recently a female NIC student came forward to inform the police of her interactions with the infamous Joseph Bekken. She sent him sexual photos of herself and was compensated with financial aid.

Last month Bekken, previous head of NIC’s Financial Aid Department, was arrested after a sting operation caught him soliciting sex from students in exchange for financial aid. He told police officers he had never been successful in doing this besides the sting when he deposited around $500 in a student’s account before meeting her for sexual favors. The “student” was an undercover officer who busted Bekken with the help of NIC faculty and the FBI.

Police are still looking into leads and it is an ongoing investigation.

They have continued to go through his work computer and were having issues with getting a warrant from Yahoo to search his emails, which is the email and messenger account he used to have most of his Craigslist sexual interactions.

Bekken’s preliminary hearing is set for March 19 and he posted bail, which was reduced from $100,000 to $25,000. He is looking for a job in the meantime.




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