U.S Senator and GOP Presidential hopeful Rand Paul visited NIC Thursday, Aug. 27, sharing his libertarian and conservative beliefs with the large, supportive crowd.
With signs that read “Unleash the American Dream” and “Defeat the Washington Machine” scattered around the audience, Paul spoke about his “Flat and Fair” income tax plan, among other topics.
“Government is a necessary evil,” Paul said. “We want government to be smaller…it’s not that government is inherently stupid, although that’s debatable, it’s that they don’t get the right incentives.”

Audience awaits excitedly for Rand Paul. Photo courtesy of David Charleston
Paul also spoke extensively about keeping jobs on American soil; he said Americans should debate where jobs are created.
With a hearty reply from the audience, Paul also spoke about the lack of fairness in the criminal justice system and the war on drugs.
His 30-minute speech concluded with him criticizing other politicians (Democrats and Republicans alike) for not upholding the constitution and violating American’s individual liberties.
“To win a Democratic state, Republicans must dilute their beliefs and be like Democrats,” Paul said. “We must defend individual liberty.”

U.S. Senator and presidential candidate Rand Paul adresses the audience about outsourcing jobs during the Coeur d’Alene leg of his nation-wide tour. Jeff Barard/Sentinel
Before Paul took the stage and received a standing ovation when he concluded, the night began with an introduction video from his wife, Kelley Ashby, and a few words from Idaho Representative Raul Labrador.
“He can speak passionately and forcefully, but in a way that touches your heart,” Labrador said. “He gives the same message to every audience he talks to he speaks in a tone that everyone can understand.”
Although a few NIC students echoed the praises from Labrador, others were skeptical of the GOP Presidential hopeful.
“I don’t think he would benefit us as students,” Alex McKeeken said, 19, Medical Science, Hayden. “I don’t really agree with a lot of Rand Paul’s ideas because they’re based on free market solving everything. I think he will hinder us, especially his tax system and the inequality that comes with some of his ideas.”
Randal Howard “Rand” Paul is a U.S. politician and physician. Since 2011, Paul has served in the U.S. nited States Senate as a member of the Republican Party representing Kentucky.
After taking selfies with the NIC crowd, he concluded his five-day “Stand with Rand” western tour by making several stops in Idaho’s Treasure Valley as well as Alaska, Washington, Wyoming and Utah.