The new President of North Idaho College sat down Friday on Sept. 9, and spoke candidly about himself, where he came from and his plans for the college.
President MacLennan became the new President of North Idaho College after working for Garrett College in Maryland for a number of years. MacLennan began his higher education in Community college while spending some time in the military in Alaska. He earned enough credit when he got out and eventually went on to school and was able to transfer that credit to Portland State University. He was then offered a job there as a Veteran’s work study student.
As an undergraduate, he began working in Student Affairs and Services where he had the unique experience of receiving those benefits as well as being of assistance in making the entrance into the University a bit easier for students. His interest in student affairs led to a career in higher education in that department, which led him to his last position at Garrett County College in Maryland for the last 6 years. It is a very rural, resort community, smaller than Coeur d’Alene. There was a focus on economic and workplace development there where he helped prepare students to transfer to 4-year colleges.
MacLennan said he chose North Idaho College because there were different opportunities for colleges transfer to, ranging from Oregon to Washington State and to California.
As MacLennan and his wife discussed their options they found they were familiar with North Idaho College, its location and the programs it offered. When the position became, they put everything together, including the location, the work being done, and the size and style of the community. It checked all the boxes he and his wife were looking for.
As soon as the North Idaho College presidential position opened up, he didn’t hesitate for a moment to apply at the college. And throughout the hiring process, he was successful.
“We chose to be here on purpose,” MacLennan said. “We are in the business of creating hope and opportunity in student’s lives.”
When asked about the recent sexual assault that happened in the college dorms which is currently being investigated by Coeur d’Alene Police Department, MacLennan said,
“It’s a terrible situation and we don’t want to see this happen ever.”
He said the college has a responsibility to handle those things in a certain way and he was pleased with the way the staff and law enforcement personnel on campus have gone through the appropriate steps to make students aware of their rights and responsibilities. He was concerned about how the staff handled these matters from a personal perspective and notes that the college has handled it on a very professional level.
On a more personal level, MacLennan talked about two of the people who inspired him the most when he was growing up: his two uncles.
“They are two people I respected and looked up to, both in their personal and professional lives. And at different points of my life, they have taken me under their wing,” he said.
MacLennan considers his greatest accomplishment raising his four grown children who are on their own path and doing well. He and his wife, Theresa MacLennan couldn’t be more proud of their children.
His wife, Theresa, also has a higher education background. And when they got here she didn’t have a job lined up yet; however, the position for a Centennial Trail Foundation Executive Director at the City Chamber opened up. And the timing could not have been more perfect. About five years ago she had become connected with a non-profit organization called Garrett Trails in Garrett County Maryland, where she was the only paid employee of the organization. Because of that experience, she was perfectly qualified to fill the position.
“It’s a lot of work to transition into a new job and a new community,” MacLennan said. “But everyone I’ve met at the college and in the community itself have been terrific.”