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Resident Life: Consulting and Sculpting

Campus Life

Resident Life: Consulting and Sculpting

The Residence Hall students unleashed their creative side with clay modeling on Monday night before advising day. 

Resident assistant Logan Choisser gathered several types of polymer clay and set up a table in the Residence Hall lobby at 6 p.m. Students gathered at the table and began working on their clay figurines. 

Several resident assistants create their tiny clay creatures.

Some creative sculptures imagined were a sparkling whale, a posing mermaid, a plaid turtle, and a derpy dog. 

A whale smiles menacingly at the camera among its clay friends.

“I thought it was really fun to sit down and not have to stress about anything while I made some cute little clay figures,” said Kaylyn Kuehn, a NIC student resident.

After the clay figures were finished and students left, the clay figures were taken to be baked. They were available to return to their creaters Thursday afternoon.

The following Tuesday, NIC students were given an Advising day in order to plan their future classes. Classes did not resume on Tuesday unless they met after 4 p.m. Residence hall students took advantage of their day off by cleaning their rooms, catching up on homework, meeting with helpful advisors, or relaxing. They could also enjoy the blooming fall colors in the afternoon. 

No other events were held this week. Upcoming events for the last week of October include the postponed Sundae Funday, a Wonka Night on Tuesday, a Shuffleboard Tournament on Wednesday, and the Halloween Extravaganza on Thursday evening. 





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Jaye Hanselmann-Cox is an English and Communications student at NIC. She lives on-campus in the Residence Hall and loves interacting with her fellow students. In her free time, she writes sci-fi stories, draws digital cell-shaded art, and takes walks through the area.

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