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The Bloomer: An Introduction

The Bloomer


The Bloomer: An Introduction

Bloomer (adjective): Someone who knows the world for what it is, but tries to make something of himself to counterbalance the bad of the world with the internal good.  Someone who attempts to help others in precarious situations by lifting up their spirits.


Welcome to the introductory post.  My name is The Bloomer, and this is my advice column.  The purpose of this column is to try and help you achieve what you want in life through advice.  I will admit right off the bat that my advice is not infallible.  There are bound to be things that you and I disagree on; but that’s ok.  Life is full of disagreeance.  We are all trying to reach homeostasis and inner peace.  That said, this advice will not be easy.  This will not always be feel good advice.  Many of us, including myself have issues in our lives that cannot be ignored.  We have flaws, and we tend to be breakable.  Some of you might have mental issues that may interfere with the ability to live a “normal” life.  What is normal though?  Normal is not a 9 to 5 job, but it is working to better yourself.  Perhaps you have let yourself go physically and gained too much weight in the wrong places, and of the wrong type (fat).  Perhaps you have let yourself go mentally and emotionally, and allowed yourself to be overtaken by nihilistic and antihuman/antinatalist drivel aimed at only further hooking you into this doomer mindset.  We all come from a variety of different backgrounds, with vastly different outlooks on life.  Some of these outlooks are just dead wrong, and entertaining these thoughts will only lead to self destruction.  We all want to be at peace with ourselves and the world around us.  Those who are at war with themselves will always lose, regardless of the outcome.  We must all find balance in our lives.  Work, home, and school.  We must fill our days with that which we know is right.  We must turn our backs on that which we know is wrong, yet continue to do regardless.  Push through, we will all make it.

-The Bloomer

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