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Editorial: NIC connects with creativity


Editorial: NIC connects with creativity

Creativity is catching.

It will be found in high quantities throughout campus March 12-14 during the 2012 Cardinal Connections symposium, “The Spark! Connecting with Creativity.”

Humans can transmit ideas from one person to the next through drawings, songs, poetry, sculpture and so many more ways. We are gifted beings that have the ability to express feelings, thoughts and emotions in countless numbers of different languages and mannerisms.

This symposium will provide an array of outlets for those artistic gifts.

Students and the public are encouraged to attend the Chatauqua performances by instructors Joe Jacoby and Geoff Carr as they represent the monumental figures of John Lennon and Steve Jobs. People can take a self-guided tour through the school grounds to view more than 150 pieces of artwork. Applying creativity to business will be the main topic of keynote speaker (and internationally acclaimed author) Dan Roam’s presentation. Everyone can get hands-on during collage and chalk exercises, and you might even learn a thing or two about making your own karaoke. These are just a few things “Connecting with Creativity” will have to offer.

Creativity comes in all forms. This will be illustrated beautifully through the array of subjects and activities sprinkled through NIC’s campus next week. Whether you’re an art creator, appreciator or completely new to the concept of creativity, something for everybody will surely be available.

So come tap into your internal artistic well. You never know what you might discover.

Opinions expressed in editorial and opinion articles are the views of individual NIC students. These views do not necessarily  reflect the opinions of the Sentinel, North Idaho College, or any other organizations or groups there-in. North Idaho College is not responsible for the accuracy of statements or opinions shared.

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