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Opinion: Student services under utilized


Opinion: Student services under utilized

NIC, it’s time to be all you can be. Academic success depends upon three key factors. These three factors are self-motivated students, teaching and student services. I would like to focus on the last of these three. There are many student services that you as a student need to be aware of if you are not already.

If you need help with a class, the general solution would be to approach the teacher, and if that doesn’t help achieve the desired solution, you would proceed to seek tutoring. Many students of today at colleges all over America do not take advantage of these essential services. These services are free, but students are resolving to settle for barely passing grades or even to drop out of classes instead of seeking the help they need.

Here at NIC, there are plenty of free student services provided to help the diverse student population, but there’s one problem. Free student services are being under utilized. If you need help with your math course, you should go to the math study center. If you need help with your English course, you should go to the writing center.

If you need help with your schedule, you should go to the advising center. If you need to find a hard copy resource for a course assignment, you should utilize the Molstead Library. If you have an idea to improve student involvement in a certain club or activity, you should talk to someone in the Associated Students of NIC (ASNIC) office. If you are a first generation college student seeking at least a Bachelor’s degree, you should look into taking advantage of the Trio student support services.

I can’t make you have a desire to achieve academic success, but I can encourage you to. I firmly believe the having self-motivation is absolutely vital to do well in school. When self-motivation is combined with the guidance and encouragement provided by free student services, you increase you chance of success.
So, NIC, strive to be all you can be. Go get the most out of your college money.

Opinions expressed in editorial and opinion articles are the views of individual NIC students. These views do not necessarily  reflect the opinions of the Sentinel, North Idaho College, or any other organizations or groups there-in. North Idaho College is not responsible for the accuracy of statements or opinions shared.

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