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Column: Halloween movies getting typical


Column: Halloween movies getting typical

Well it’s getting close to that time when children will be prowling the streets looking to score free candy in their costumes and adults will be on the brink of alcohol poisoning in costumes as well.
Isn’t Halloween just the best?
The others who don’t prefer to hang out with Baby Ruth or Jack Daniels will stick to sitting inside away from the cold and settling down with a nice old fashioned scary movie.
Sounds like fun but are scary movies what they used to be on Halloween?
Now-a-days directors and script writers look to put out horror flicks that only gain recognition from being “based on a true story.” Well to these directors, I guess their definition of “true” is a little different than mine.
What I’m trying to say is I doubt any of these stories actually have happened even remotely close to how the movie portrays it. You know, an over dramatization.
Crummy movies like the “Paranormal Activity” series and the “Conjuring” just don’t really break any huge barriers within the horror movie genre.
The producers take the genre too seriously when in my opinion it wasn’t really supposed to be serious in the first place.
Just take a look at the “Evil Dead” series, I’m talking about the legendary Bruce Cambell slaying the undead as if it’s his favorite pastime while delivering the cheesiest one-liners throughout the movie. There are also cult classics such as “The Fly” and many old 60s Grindhouse films that deliver using a similar formula as this.
These films are hilariously bad but are equally as gory and bizarre. The movies still found a way to make you uncomfortable without having to introduce ghosts or demons, a way too common of a theme in today’s horror movies.
Now I understand the creation of more old school style cult horror films isn’t really considered to be ground breaking either but it would be quite a breath of fresh air form the normal junk that is put out.
Classic horror like this is what the genre really needs: gory and creepy visuals that are broken up by comic relief.
So you can keep your exorcism’s and hauntings because I will be too busy watching Bruce Cambell slay the undead like a boss. All hail to the king, baby.

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The managing editor of the NIC Sentinel. Tyson is on his third year at the newspaper and is skilled in different journalism subjects. He is also skilled at underwater basket weaving and juggling chainsaws.

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