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Students take pigskin to Ramsey Field


Students take pigskin to Ramsey Field

North Idaho College Recreational Sports hosted flag football a few weeks ago but the last games were Oct. 2. The games were played at Ramsey Field in Coeur d’Alene on Mondays and Wednesdays between Sept. 16 and Oct. 2.

Hail Marys and kickoffs returned for touchdowns made up parts of the action Sept. 25 as the rain showered down on this year’s teams.

That day, flag football was put on by player and supervisor of the NIC Rec. Sports department, Zara Palmer.

“This year we are coming back and we have four teams to play,” Palmer said.

Last year, teams were forfeited because not enough players joined. This year, rec. sports is more ready than ever to put on football for the students.

“I came out to have fun and stay in shape,” said Chance McCormack, a football participant.

Even students who don’t play sports can come out and have a great time with other students. A sense of new and old camaraderie was hanging over the field as I watched.

“It’s great to get some exercise and meet new people,” said Zach Devorak, a football participant.

There were two-20 minute halves and about 60 yards of field. Guys received six points for a touchdown, while girls got eight points for each touchdown.

The teams weren’t the only ones having fun.

“I like watching and giving support,” said Lolisa Kuewa, a student. “My boyfriend is on the team.”

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