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Get to Know Your Student Government: Senator Greda Gregsen


Get to Know Your Student Government: Senator Greda Gregsen

Greda Gregsen, 39, Tucson, Psychology ASNIC SenatorGreda

Favorite Color: Yellow, because it is a happy color.

Favorite Movie: “Empire Records” is my favorite movie. That’s so bad, and I don’t know why, I’ve just loved it since forever. It’s so bad. It shouldn’t be my favorite movie but it is. Or Training Day, I like that a lot.

How NIC should look a year after leaving student government: More student involvement and awareness of what is available on campus. When you’re a first-year student you don’t really know all the outlets that are available to you. It’s a learning experience; I’m still learning and I’ve been here three semesters. I just want to bring student awareness to help students succeed, because there’s so many resources here that aren’t utilized because students don’t know about them.

Inspiration to join student government: There wasn’t a particular moment. I just liked being involved, and then there was an opening and so I decided it would be a great learning experience.

Celebrity Crush: I don’t have one, but it would be Brad Pitt if anything. He’s a beautiful looking man.

Favorite bands/music: Well, Madonna’s been my favorite forever. But I like everything, I like all kinds of music. I’m very worldly.

If A.I. could equal our free will and chose to take action against our society, would it be OK to press a button turning them off: I think it all depends on how they were trying to overtake us, was it for the good of people or for the bad for humanity? I think that would matter. There’s so many answers to that, it would just matter what kind of robot they were.

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T.J. Gossard is The Sentinel student newspaper's Features assistant editor, and is also the president of NIC Film Club and NIC's Phi Theta Kappa Delta Kappa Chapter. Gossard intends to become a film director and is currently practicing skills of communication and multitasking by taking on club duties and pursuing an A.A. in Communications at North Idaho College.

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