The Residence Hall hosted a multitude of activities for students throughout the week, such as painting pots on Monday, hosting a “pajama par-tea” on Tuesday, bringing awareness to stalking on Wednesday, and a movie night on Thursday.
Joshua Heuvel casually enjoys his meal in the theatre room. He is one of the many RA’s in the building who monitor the operations of their halls and help students.
Resident Assistant (RA), Joshua Heuvel, set up tables with planting pots and paint in the theatre room at 7 p.m. on Monday night. Students used the supplies to paint various designs on their pots, some including underwater coral reefs, aquamarine sea foam, and desert plateaus. Afterwards, students got to keep their freshly decorated pots and bring them back to their rooms.
On Tuesday night, RA, Bree Ellis, hosted a “pajama par-tea” at 7 p.m. in the theatre room. Assorted teas were provided for the students, such as mint, chamomile and orange spice, as well as various snack foods, and the attending students had the choice between watching movies or playing card games for the rest of the evening.
Elizabeth Mullen, a NIC student living in the residence hall, sips hot tea from her sloth mug. Many activities in the residence hall are casual, allowing residents to relax after a long day of classes and work.
On Wednesday night, NIC’s Green Dot Bystander Intervention program offered a stalking awareness forum in the theatre room at 6:30 p.m.. Residents were taught about stalking prevalence, warning signs, victim support and statistics on the subject.
The stalking awareness forum was just the first of several events that will be hosted throughout the spring semester aimed at informing students on how to stay safe on campus and in the world. Students who attend all of the events will be entered into a drawing and the winner will receive $100 worth of Amazon prizes.
On Thursday night, RA, Maclain Stultz, ordered pizza for a movie night in the theatre room at 7:15 p.m.. Around 20 residents gathered to watch the 2016 American superhero film, Deadpool.
Next week, the Resident Hall will host a Perler beads craft night, and residents should continue to look out for more upcoming activities that will be posted on bulletin boards throughout the building.
Jaye Hanselmann-Cox is an English and Communications student at NIC. She lives on-campus in the Residence Hall and loves interacting with her fellow students. In her free time, she writes sci-fi stories, draws digital cell-shaded art, and takes walks through the area.