The Residence Hall hosted a few Valentine’s day activities for students throughout the week, such as Valentine’s day coloring on Tuesday and a Crush rush on Thursday.
Aleksya Batoon and Skylar Hickok work on their Valentine’s day coloring sheets. Both met each other in the residence hall and established a friendship. The hall is one of the places on campus where students can meet new friends.
Resident Assistant Bree Ellis laid out assorted coloring pages on tables with different art supplies in the theatre room at 7 p.m. on Tuesday night. Around ten students attended the event and chose from markers, colored pencils, and crayons to color in their pages, while others brought their own art supplies. Some designs were intricate with vibrant saturated colors while others were simple with mellow hues.
“I like it, I like it a lot!” said Skylar Hickok, an NIC student living in the campus dorms. “I don’t come to a lot of events since I’m so busy, but this one feels so comfy and relaxing.”
Tayler Coats oversees her organized table of sodas and notes. She is one of the Resident Assistants in the dorms who oversees the lives of the students.
On Thursday afternoon, Resident Assistant Tayler Coats set up a table in the lobby of the Residence Hall in preparation for the Crush rush. Students could choose from root beer, cream soda, or orange crush soda with flowers on them to give to a “Valentine” in the dorm, whether they be in a relationship, friends, or suite mates. They could also attach love notes to the bottles.
The sodas were given out Friday afternoon to the Valentines.
“It’s an event I’ve wanted to do ever since I joined the hall counsel,” said Coats. “It’s a sign of appreciation for others in the dorms.”
Other events coming up in the Residence Hall include a birth control and healthy relationship awareness seminar next week.
Jaye Hanselmann-Cox is an English and Communications student at NIC. She lives on-campus in the Residence Hall and loves interacting with her fellow students. In her free time, she writes sci-fi stories, draws digital cell-shaded art, and takes walks through the area.