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Find the right path with Career Services

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Find the right path with Career Services

NIC is offering a free career goals workshop in the Molstead Library for all North Idaho Higher Education students (including students at NIC) on Feb. 26 and 27.

Students attending the workshop will answer a series of questions in an online assessment that will determine what careers may suit them.

This assessment, called the Strong Interest Inventory, was recently voted to be the best career assessment in the world. Usually, the assessment costs $20 to take, but thanks to the North Idaho Higher Education Consortium the fees have already been covered for those who attend the workshop. 

The teams of advisors at Career Services hope to aid students in education as well as in career pursuits.

The workshop involves an hour of answering assessment questions in the computer lab followed by an hour of advising.

After the assessment, students will receive results consisting of a list of the top 10 careers that best suit their personal interests, followed by more than 30 careers that may also suit them. Students are then able to use the results to research information about the different careers, such as salaries and what degrees to pursue to land the job.

This workshop aims to help students that are unsure about their major to find a career that suits their interests, so they don’t have to waste time and money figuring out what they want to doThis assessment can easily help relieve any anxiety about career goals 

Jamie Berube, the Administrative Assistant for Academic Support services, explains the benefits of Career Services at NIC.

Jamie Berube, the administrative assistant at NIC’s advising and career services office said how beneficial this assessment can be to both new and returning students. She told stories of students who had found their future careers through the assessments–students who came in thinking one career would suit them, and later finding that they were far better suited for careers they hadn’t even known existed. 

Peg Getty is the Career Development Specialist at NIC and one of the many friendly faces to be found in the Advising offices in the Students Union Building.

Peg Getty, the Career Development Specialist at NIC, said that the assessment questions are designed to be a snapshot of who you are, where you are in life, and what your interests are. 

The mission statement of Career Services states:  

North Idaho College Career Services provides high quality, responsive career counseling, resources, and education to students, prospective students, and alumni, to help ensure that their education is purposeful, to assist them in choosing and achieving meaningful career and life goals, and to increase their lifelong opportunities for success.” 

NIC is offering 10 different dates in the next three months for students interested in career guidance to take the assessment. Feb. 26 and 27, March 3, 5 and 17, and April 2, 9, 22 and 23. You can sign up for NIC’s career assessment workshops at   

Lily Winde has lived in Idaho ever since she can remember and loves the area with all her heart. Lily is a dual-enrolled home-schooled senior who is working towards an associate of arts degree here at NIC. When Lily isn't typing away on a story, you can find her chatting with friends, acting in local theaters, or curled up with a book full of sword-fights.

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