Will that be smoking or non?
Most smokers are considerate and polite with their habit. Most I know even wish they could get rid of it. But there are those around campus who feel that their rights are being trampled by the Tobacco-Free decision.
Bollocks and poppycock.
Cancer is one of the scariest words a family can hear. Sadness and pain usually follow the news. I’ve lost family to it, have some struggling through it now, and even have young friends who have been diagnosed. We are always hearing talk about looking for a cure. Yet something KNOWN to cause cancer is sold daily at every gas station, Quick Stop and grocery store nationwide.
Why? To “calm the nerves” to “relax,” to “insert BS reason here.” Rationalizing only makes you feel better about a bad decision, it doesn’t stop the consequences. I understand smoking’s an addiction and that some people truly enjoy it, or feel like they need it; fine, but on your own time, on your own turf, not on publicly shared areas.
I could rattle off a bunch of boring numbers most of you would ignore, already know, or both. Those who defend the habit on campus might say “My (family member) smoked for (xx) years and lived to (xx) years old.” That’s fine and dandy, that’s the exception, not the rule. If exceptions were rules, Dave Thomas would not have been as popular as a high-school dropout who formed the successful fast food chain Wendy’s.
I’m not saying you have to give up the habit if you have it. But at least respect the institutions that prioritize my health over your habit.
The argument of your “rights” is nil, as that covers engaging in a practice that harms no one but yourself. There is overwhelming evidence that proves smokers endanger all who inhale secondhand smoke. As someone allergic to the smoke, it becomes less of an “irritant” as it’s often downplayed and more of a serious thing. I get strong coughing fits and extreme headaches which directly affect my ability to learn when I have to walk to class through the clouds of smoke you rebellious ones create on campus.
If anything then, smoking violates my rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Now I digress that I then take on the flipside of the argument, I simply want to prove how ridiculous the claim to “rights” is. You have a choice; I do not. Learn some self-control, get some exercise and take it off campus. It is not a guideline to be considered. It is a rule to be followed. Deal with it or take online classes and pollute your own home.
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