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Longboarder Surfs Waves of Concrete


Longboarder Surfs Waves of Concrete

Clack! Clack! Clack! Such a noise is common on the NIC campus as many longboarders cruise across the pavement, making their way to their various classes.
One example of such a boarder is NIC student Andrew Steiner, 19, Spokane.
He says he is constantly swooping around campus, surfing across the concrete ocean on his four-wheeled contraption in hopes of getting around more efficiently and obtaining a feeling of freedom and peace of mind.
“That’s my favorite part about it,” said Steiner. “Sometimes I’ll just take a break from studying in the middle of the night and I’ll go ride around my neighborhood to clear my mind.”
A longboard is a bit different than the average skateboard. A longboard is a surfboard-shaped skateboard that is used for long distance traveling. Traditional skateboards are used more often for doing tricks and they are smaller than most long boards.
Longboarding has become quite the trend on campus. Many students, including Steiner, decide to make their surfboard-like apparatus their main source of transportation. Some students even park far away from campus just so they have a chance to ride their boards.
The trend started the previous fall in 2011 and has stuck ever since. Steiner had started riding early in the summer of 2012 after he did research on what kind of board to invest in.
“Beginners should really take the time to look into what kind of board they want,” said Steiner. “The boards that are a bit more expensive are worth the money.”
Steiner spent countless weeks drooling over a cool bamboo Santa Cruz that was at his local skate store, Zumies. He visited at least once a week and eventually walked out of the store with his prized possession.
Longboarding has been around ever since the early ’70s and has made its way back as a popular fad around many college campuses. A majority of students have given up their traditional skateboards and have made an investment in longboards.
“I prefer a longboard over the traditional skateboard even though I used to skateboard,” said Steiner, “you feel more in control, and it’s just a better way to get around.”
The trend has come a long way since the old days. All sorts of people young and old, male or female, now take part in an ever-growing fad that has had a large impact on college life.
So as Steiner rolls down the street on his board, he is a part of something bigger than himself. Longboarding is simply a lifestyle.
“It’s a really good feeling,” said Steiner. “Longboarding is something I would recommend.”

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The managing editor of the NIC Sentinel. Tyson is on his third year at the newspaper and is skilled in different journalism subjects. He is also skilled at underwater basket weaving and juggling chainsaws.

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