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The Sentinel

Trees: A love story


Trees: A love story

I fell in love with the forest last night.  It was not my intention, but maybe it was destiny.  I went on a road trip without a map and ended up in California on Highway 101, headed towards the Redwood National Forest.  What I saw was life changing.  It was absolutely beautiful, peaceful, untouched, green and– wow– those were some big trees!  This majestic forest rode the shoreline of the Pacific Coast.  I could see waves crashing against rock formations as I drove around a narrow road which cut around the gigantic trees instead of through them.

I have been to many forests, but there is something different about this one.  These trees are 1000 years old.  It took people deciding to save this forest long before you or I were even born. The Save the Redwood League was formed in 1918 to save the Redwoods.  They realized back then that with the heavy logging going on around them, this forest would soon be decimated.

I have lived on three continents and have not seen a more beautiful place.  I can no longer fathom why anyone would not want to preserve not only the Redwood Forest, but all of our forests.

It got me thinking about what I can do, as one person, to preserve not only the forests, but our home, Planet Earth.  I soon came to the realization that I, one person, can plant one tree, and then another, and so on.

We can help preserve our planet by planting trees all around us. We could turn a city into a forest.  While that is not a major solution, little bits of change can add up to major ones when trying to preserve our home forest, Planet Earth.

For more information on the Redwood Forest, check out

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