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Financial Aid adviser creates educational rap video


Financial Aid adviser creates educational rap video

An NIC employee made a YouTube video about how to get free money. Financial Aid adviser Alex deGolia, 24, composed a rap with the help of family and friends. The rap lyrics were about questions students might have regarding the grant and loan process.

The playful and skillful rap included some hints on how to apply for financial aid and what to do if denied. It also lists certain numbers and website information that may be relevant. Overall, it explains the “how to” at NIC’s Financial Aid department.

In order to obtain permission, deGolia had to work his way up the administrative chain, beginning with Vice President for Student Services Sheldon Nord, who deGolia said backed the idea without any hesitation. DeGolia said the Community Relations Office wasn’t as optimistic until they heard the a cappella version of the song.

DeGolia said all equipment and props were supplied by NIC or home stocks, with zero production costs. He said the video took about four months to film and edit, and about 30 hours in all.

DeGolia said Andy Finney, 46, employee of NIC for the past 16 years and the current Technology Coordinator and Management team member, did the majority of filming and all of the editing, along with recording the track.

“Without Andy, the production wouldn’t have been nearly what it is,” said deGolia. “He was the key to making everything happen.”

Financial Aid Director Joe Bekken joined colleagues Marissa Struck, technician, and Stephanie House, assistant director, as extras in the opening scene. DeGolia’s brother, Kyle deGolia, who is also into making music, provided the beat for the song. He appeared in the ending scenes with their childhood friend, Casey Hurst, as his “entourage” of background dancers.

DeGolia said he has been rapping since the sixth grade and has always loved to write music. He said his initial inspiration for this particular song came to him from an airline attendant who free-styled his safety instructions before the flight.

“In the shower, after I saw the Southwest Airlines Rapper, I free-styled and came up with the lyrics,” deGolia said.

Members of ASNIC, both basketball teams and wandering students in the SUB were selected to participate in a few scenes. DeGolia said about 50 people were designated for the project.

After several months of labor, he and his associates finally got to see their work in action. Alex deGolia’s Financial Aid rap was recently uploaded to YouTube in August of this year. Find it at or watch it at

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