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Opinion: Raging on rude roadsters


Opinion: Raging on rude roadsters

Don’t be a stinker, please use your blinker
Most drivers travel down the road, read and abide by the road signs, flip their turn signals on when it is appropriate and eventually arrive at their desired destination.

But a handful of drivers decide they are above the law and break the rules of the road.

I am specifically fed up with drivers who fail to use their turn signals.

Remember that black lever on the left side of the steering column? To turn left, simply push the lever down. To turn right, pull the lever up.

Turning the car blinker on is not only common courtesy that lets others know the driver is going to take a left, right or change lanes. Flipping the lever up or down is a law if a driver’s intention is to change direction or lanes.

To the drivers who do not always use their turn signals: Please start to do so. It is very annoying and can potentially be dangerous.

I don’t know why drivers choose not to use their turn signals.

But I think there could be a few reasons.

One of them might be laziness. Drivers underestimate the turn signal and decide it is not necessary to use when they turn.

Selfishness might be another reason for not using turn signals. Some people think they are number one in the world and that it revolves around their wants and needs.

Some drivers simply forget to use their blinkers, which is fine. Everybody makes mistakes. Just try to keep them to a bare minimum.

One of the reasons I become angry when drivers do not use their turn signals is because I know all they have to do is flip the lever up or down to prevent other drivers like me to slow down all of a sudden. They make the driver behind them stop on a dime when they determine they want to take a sudden right or left without turning on their blinker.

According to, New York State Police reports indicate that behind speeding and unsafe or too-frequent lane changing, not using turn signals is the biggest factor that causes accidents.

I would say most people do use their turn signals, but some switch them on too late. This is just as frustrating and dangerous as not using a turn signal.

Using turn signals is a simple means of communication on the road.

It tells drivers in front of the turning vehicle and behind the turning vehicle that it is going to change direction.

Without turn signals, the road environment is chaotic and can cause car crashes, injuries and deaths that can easily be prevented.

The turn signal lever in cars is there for a reason, so use it when turning off a road or changing lanes.

Otherwise, drivers could expect some hefty lawyer fees, tickets, injuries, death or maybe a sign of fury from the driver in the rearview mirror.

Opinions expressed in editorial and opinion articles are the views of individual NIC students. These views do not necessarily  reflect the opinions of the Sentinel, North Idaho College, or any other organizations or groups there-in. North Idaho College is not responsible for the accuracy of statements or opinions shared.

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1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. Sheila Victoria Frasier

    October 15, 2012 at 5:45 pm

    I think it's a shame that all those nice newer cars and trucks have broken turn signals.

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