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New ASNIC senators selected


New ASNIC senators selected

ASNIC President Christopher Deane announced today the names of the three new senators to join the board.

Robert Mertens, Nehemiah Musonda and Olivia Burkett will be sworn in at the next ASNIC meeting.

“I corroborated [on the decision] with my Pro-Tempe, Benaiah [Cheevers], and the vice president,” Deane said. “We picked out the best people.”

With the position openings announced on Jan. 15, Deane said ten people turned in application pamphlets, with two people being eliminated for not meeting senator qualifications.

The remaining eight went on to an interview Deane described as having “extensive questions” in regards to the applicants’ work ethics and abilities to work with a team.

Although two of the new senators have previous experience as either an ASNIC Student at Large or with a campus committee membership, Deane said the board was primarily looking for senators interested in staying long term with ASNIC.

“That was a deciding factor,” Deane said. “We wanted them to continue going on with their experience.”

The three new senators will finish out the semester term left by Jantzen Hunsaker and Marcus Hall, who both resigned due to personal reasons; and Joshua Brands, who left his position as senator pro temp to become vice president.

All three will have an opportunity to run in the ASNIC spring elections in March to continue their terms through next year.

According to ASNIC Bylaws Article VIII, Section 3, in the event of a position needing to be filled, the acting president may make an appointment, and the board must approve it with a majority vote.

ASNIC is the student body government of NIC, and consists of a board composed of eight senators, a vice president, and a president.

Senators receive a $260 monthly stipend.

Christina Villagomez is the current Managing Editor and former News Editor at the Sentinel. Described by a previous employer as being a jack-of-all-trades-writer and a bit of a spark-plug, Christina enjoys writing hard news stories when she's not attending board of trustee meetings in her spare time. Christina was previously a staff writer at the Panhandle Sun, and is the three-time winner of the Most Cheerful Award at her old elementary school as well as several Idaho Press Club Awards and a Region Ten Mark of Excellence Award from The Society of Professional Journalists for her news writing.

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