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Getting to know your senator: Robert Mertens


Getting to know your senator: Robert Mertens

Robert Mertens could be considered a truly dedicated man.

A native to the area, Mertens was originally born in Spokane, WA, and moved to the Coeur d’Alene area when he was five.

Now 36, Bob lives in Rathdrum, ID and is currently the oldest of the ASNIC senators.

“It is very interesting and challenging,” Mertens said, “I have never been involved in anything like this before.”

The new environment is anything but chafing, however, and Mertens said he already plans to run for reelection at the end of the semester.

Mertens said he has a very clear mission in mind as a senator.

“The main thing that I am working on this term is making students more aware of ASNIC,” Mertens said.

Starting his second semester of a planned eight years of schooling, Mertens said the main motivation he had for deciding to join ASNIC was that he wanted to try to be more involved and better his and his fellow students’ education here.

NIC is Mertens’ first college and he said enjoying it very much.

“I am loving the college life style,” Mertens said. “NIC will always be on my list of favorite places.”

After finishing classes at NIC, Mertens plans to transfer to medical school and eventually open veterinary practice in the Coeur d’Alene area, working with both large and small animals.


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Christina Villagomez is the current Managing Editor and former News Editor at the Sentinel. Described by a previous employer as being a jack-of-all-trades-writer and a bit of a spark-plug, Christina enjoys writing hard news stories when she's not attending board of trustee meetings in her spare time. Christina was previously a staff writer at the Panhandle Sun, and is the three-time winner of the Most Cheerful Award at her old elementary school as well as several Idaho Press Club Awards and a Region Ten Mark of Excellence Award from The Society of Professional Journalists for her news writing.

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