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The Sentinel



Ameen Gondo

Before I get started, for those of you that don’t know what Ebola is, despite it being in the news and everyone freaking out about it 24/7, it is an infectious and generally fatal disease marked by fever and severe internal bleeding, spread through contact with infected body fluids like blood, sweat and urine. I believe that Ebola is getting blown out of proportion and the people that are going crazy the most about the virus are the people who know nothing about it and most likely get their information from tabloids and unreliable sources. So let me tell you something. What most people do not know is that you are more likely to contract and die from the flu than you are to contract and die from the Ebola virus. 36,000 people die every year from the Flu and/or flu related complications according to CDC. Bet ya didn’t know that. I do not believe Ebola is not a big problem in the U.S, where there have only been 4 confirmed cases and one death, everyone is overreacting. Many people have the misconception that Ebola is passed through the air much like the Flu, or it is transmitted merely from a handshake. There are many more diseases that we need to worry about, like cancer that has over 100 different forms. According to CDC, 1,500 people die a day from Cancer. A DAY. 1 in 4 people will die from cancer and we’re worried about Ebola. Fun fact, more Americans have married Kim Kardashian than have Ebola. The fear of Ebola is doing more damage to people in the U.S than the virus itself is. The best thing we can do is research it ourselves, understand what it does, understand how it is transmitted.

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